Our Mission

Compass Group USA (Our Parent Company):

Everyone at Compass Group is committed to delivering superior service, in the most efficient way, for the shared benefit of our customers, shareholders and Associates.

Morrison Healthcare:

Morrison Healthcare's mission is to provide exceptional food, nutrition, and dining services to hospitals, businesses, and educational institutions and to contribute to their clients' healing mission through food. 

MHC Dietetic Internship: 

The mission of the Morrison Healthcare Dietetic Internship is to educate and prepare dietetic interns to become competent entry-level registered dietitians. The program provides a flexible environment that promotes skills in lifelong learning and professional growth. 


Our goal is to educate and train future dietitians. We aim to support them in establishing and maintaining a lifelong profession in areas where they desire to build their career and give back to the profession as competent and enthusiastic professionals.

Specifically, the Morrison Dietetic Internship goals are as follows:

Program Goal 1: Graduates will engage in hands-on, supervised experiential learning that equips them with the skills and expertise necessary for a range of entry-level careers in nutrition and dietetics.

Outcome Measures:

  1. At least 80% of program students complete program/degree requirements within 10.5 months if full-time and with a completed master’s degree; 13.5 months for students who have a partial master’s degree when starting the internship; and 27 months for students starting master’s program and the internship concurrently (150% of the program length).
  2. 90% of program graduates take the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists within 12 months of program completion.
  3. The program’s one-year pass rate (graduates who pass the registration exam within one year of the first attempt) on the CDR credentialing exam for dietitian nutritionists is at least 80%.
  4. 90% of program graduates will agree that the internship prepared them to perform as entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists.

Program Goal 2: Graduates will be competent nutrition and dietetic practitioners of diverse backgrounds and will be employed in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Outcome Measures:

  1. Of graduates who seek employment, 90% are employed in nutrition and dietetics or related fields within 12 months of graduation
  2. 90% of graduates' employers agree or strongly agree that they are satisfied with the graduates' overall job performance on the 1-year employer evaluation.
  3. At least 20% of accepted students will be of diverse cultures, ethnicity, and gender.

Data on the outcome measures is available upon request.